培生亲子故事屋 进阶级
培生亲子故事屋 基础级
全部音频文件打包.zip 67.3MB
28. Monkey and Gorilla .mp3 2.0MB
27. A Big Laugh.mp3 2.1MB
26. Big Bills Bed .mp3 1.9MB
25. Henry and the Rain .mp3 1.9MB
24. Ice Cream for Kids and Cats.mp3 2.0MB
23. Mum at the Fair.mp3 2.3MB
22. The Log.mp3 2.3MB
21. Flea and Big Bill .mp3 1.7MB
20. Parrot in the Bats Cave.mp3 2.0MB
19. Red Birds Nest .mp3 1.8MB
18. Dads Dinner .mp3 1.8MB